The Valley’s Premiere Climate-Controlled Mobile Dogg Gym!

Fully Licensed, Bonded, and Insured!

To-Your-Door Exercise and Pet Sitting Services

We are a no hassle, to your door service providing a climate-controlled environment for exercise and enrichment for your four-legged friend. Think of a mobile dogg grooming service where they come to you, only instead of getting groomed, your dogg gets their daily exercise! Most dogg owners might agree that we aren’t always able to make the time to give our little ones the best exercise routine. Whether youre too busy or worn out by the end of the day or maybe its too hot or cold out or even too wet on those random days where it rains around here. Maybe one of your obstacles in getting your doggs out on their runs is that they are just too damn fast for you! I dont know about you but the older I get the slower I feel and my lab, Peanutbutter, only seems to get faster and faster! I hate slwoing him down so he gets his RUNS in on the mills! And here at DoggDash, we can do that for you and yours. We will show up and walk, trot, jog, or run your dogg or doggs up to 179 pounds on our custom-made dogg treadmills and give them the exercise they need to live a happy, healthy and enriched life.

1 on 1 Sessions!

2-Dogg Sessions!

Big Dogs!

Little Dogs!

First Session is Free!

Not sure if Rover will take to treadmill trotting? Us either! No way of knowing unless we try. That is why the first session is a complimentary introduction session to see how they do before we make any kind of decisions about a possible game plan moving forward.